Author: Hannah Jayne
Format: ebook, finished copy
Pages: 288 pages
Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary, Mystery)
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Date Published: January 7th, 2014
Summary (from Goodreads)
I know who you are.Review:
When Riley first gets the postcard tucked into her bag, she thinks it's a joke. Then she finds a birth certificate for a girl named Jane Elizabeth O'Leary hidden inside her baby book.
Riley's parents have always been pretty overprotective. What if it wasn't for her safety...but fear of her finding out their secret? What have they been hiding? The more Riley digs for answers, the more questions she has.
The only way to know the truth? Find out what happened to Jane O'Leary.
See Jane Run was a very exciting read, to say the least. I expected the parents to be the "mean people" in the story. I'm glad I was proven wrong though the replacement was a little weak and kinda made me detached to the story for a little while as it was explained a little later.
Riley was living a normal albeit closeted life when one day she found a birth certificate of a girl lodged inside her baby book. Following her instincts (after several nags from her friend Shelby) she decides to find out the truth about it, and it didn't help her suspicions that her parents are also very secretive about her own past.
She decides to use the time she got away from her parents to investigate this mystery with the help of JD, a resident "juvenile delinquent" that didn't smell like good news to me when we first read about him. He reminded me of Christian Slater's "JD" from Heathers, and Riley being a baby version of Winona Ryder's Veronica Sawyer.
The whole deal with Tim stalking/kidnapping her and being in the Witness Protection Program was explained a little too late in the book, something i wished the author left hints of in the beginning. It would've had more impact rather than the truth being just carelessly dumped at the end. While I like how the book showed Tim's degenerative state, I highly doubt it would've taken Riley that long to escape especially when they went out. Couldn't she just have screamed?
Still, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It had the right amount of thrills in it's pages.
Rating: ♚♚♚♚
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